Monday, October 5, 2009

Sk8 Rat...

Here's the piece I did for the PF Flyers shoe show at El Cartel here in Vancouver. I think a fun night was had by all.

ZooYork X Am Getting Paid

Here's a quick window I did for Underworld Vancouver for Zoo and Am Getting Paid skate contest.

The Dark...

Some insider shots of the Dark hitting up Time Bomb. Amazing 14ft oil pastel paister!
So Crazy!

Green Rider...

The Grinch shredding!
Shot by Eric Cairns.

Concrete Skateboarding 100 issue

I was ask to concept and create something special for the 20 year anniversary cover of Concrete Skateboarding. 100 issue's later these guys are still killing it. So here it is. Total guerilla style all night shoot in the woods with Deer Man of Dark woods and secret ramp crew! Everyone killed this shoot.
The Hooded Albino Samsquanch stands almost 9 ft tall. The Ramp almost twelve with a sketchy 20 ft plywood run up.